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Friday, December 3, 2010

This Chapter Makes Me Sad (Bleach 429)

I really love this chapter, I just am not looking forward to reviewing it. The plot developments are fantastic, but so heart wrenching. So read this before you read the rest of this review. Go ahead I'll wait.

Caught up? Good. So now that you're crying too. Well recap time, then I guess, if I can hold it together. (T-T) Sniff, sniff.

After Juugo reveals his identity to Ichigo, he hands him something off screen and leaves. There is still a void of trust between Ichi and Juugo, but it seems as if they might be able to work together in the future. Ichigo returns home to find Yuzu waiting with her first test score in hand. A 95%! Way to go! He congratulates her, then goes on to try and find Isshin, who's nowhere to be found.

Yuzu says he hasn't been out all day. Right before Ichigo retreats to this room, Yuzu starts to ask him something, then stops. Perhaps she senses that something is wrong, that she can tell he brother is stressing over Juugo and the revelations that came with his unusual appearance. Once upstairs, Ichigo hears Inoue Calling to him from the street, carrying leftover bread from her bakery.

After letting her up (and some fidgeting), Inoue asks if anything or anyone is bothering Ichigo. Her intuition is telling her that something is off with Ichigo, but our macho hero dismisses her concerns. Ishida shows up, senses Inoue and decided to leave them be.

Ok, now I'm not sure if I can get through this next part. Time to buck up!

Ishida sees a stranger reading a book on top of a roof. Weird! Giving chase, Ishida tries to analyze this man's fighting style, seeing as he's going incredibly fast without changing the spiritual particles around him. He doesn't look like Kutsuzawa, who we meet in the last chapter, but objects seem to fizzle after he touches them. Could he a a Quincy? I doubt it, but he could be some sort of hybrid (like the Visored and such). He does kinda look like Zangetsu though . . .

Back at the Kurosaki residence, Isshin is still not home. Ichigo finally reveals to us what Juugo gave him: a black card with a magnetic strip on the back labeled: "Welcome to our Xcution."

Ichigo senses some disturbance outside, and we get a glance at the scene outside: it's Ishida, lying on the ground and missing an arm. OMG ISHIDA NO!!!!!!!!!!

I. . .I can't do this anymore. See you guys tomorrow, for the OOO 11 review.

Oh Ishida, why. . .

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