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Monday, December 27, 2010

Lost and Found (KR OOO 15)

Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you enjoyed them. Mine were great: went to see Tron Legacy (freaking awesome BTW, if not just because of Daft Punk), MST-3000-ed Interstella 5555, worked a ton. O.K. maybe that last part was not so great, but whatever. Let's keep the good cheer going! I give to you KR OOO 15.

Do you like it? It just came out last week, so I watched it for you and wrapped it up with a nice little bow. Let's take a closer looksie.

Maki and Kazari are hatching more plans for world domination, hoping to see what happens when all (or at least a large proportion) of the medals are contained in a single vessel. What new powers will be unleashed? Furthermore, Maki hints that the Birth belt (no use hiding it now XD) is virtually complete and needs only minor testing. Sounds like next episode we might see a new Kamen Rider in town.

While their diabolical plot is being fine-tuned, Eiji helps out Chiyoko set up the Christmas decorations at the Cous Coussier. Hina apparently has gone out and is out of touch (not like her, but let's roll with that for now), so Eiji has been forced to pick up the slack. And the tab for Ankh's ice pops. MERRY CHRISTMAS EIJI!!!

Meanwhile in the backroom, Ankh is spying on the Kougami Foundation building and gleams the whereabouts of his missing Kujaku Core Medal. It seems as if it will be transported with 5000 other Cell Medals to Maki's research lab for an experiment he is planning. Sounds like a trap to me, but what do I know. Shintaro, of course, will be overseeing the operation, and as he heads out to prep the cargo, Ankh kidnaps Eiji and tells him about the plot, imploring him to use OOO's power to re-obtain his Core. Eiji is reluctant to become a criminal and threatens to hold out when Kazari appears, telling the pair that Hina has been captured and is aboard the truck as well.

Now they they are both invested in stopping the caravan, the dysfunctional duo make their way over the Kougami Building to head off Gotou. After checking the truck, Shintaro dismisses the plot, but Eiji tails him anyway, just to be sure. On the way to the drop, the caravan is stopped buy Uva and Mezool. Gotou and his forces are useless against the Greeed, so Eiji transforms into OOO TaToBa. While everyone else is occupied, Ankh attempts to break into the truck, but both Gamel and Shintaro halt his efforts. During the struggle, Hina awakens and, using her crazy She-Hulk powers, attempts to break free from her cage. Eiji, blinded by his love for Hina, lets the situation get out of control and loses the Kawagata, Tora and Batta Core Medals as Mezool knocks him off of the bridge. Kazari intervenes as well and takes four other Cores from Ankh, two of Mezool's and two of Uva's. But where did the other three go? Hmmmm . . .

Uva and Gamel escape with the truck, and Gotou gives chase unsuccessfully (I mean who sets themselves up for a PIT maneuver?). Mezool and Kazari stay behind to finish off Ankh, who dives off the bridge to safety. Mezool confronts Kazari about his behavior and motives, but is slow on the draw and has all of her Core Medals stolen by her former partner, who says he is seeking evolution. Uva and Gamel, after shaking Gotou, arrive at the rendezvous point with Hina knocked out (again) in the back of the truck.

Elsewhere, Eiji and Ankh are waking from their base jumping experiment, and get pissed off at each other for not having the some goals but having to depend on other another. Right as it about to come to blows, Eiji says that he will go along with this mission IF Ankh pays for a year of ice. Nice plan Eiji! You're not a complete idiot!

Kazari joins back up the remainder of the gang, saying that OOO came back and took out Mezool. Gamel runs off to save his princess, and Kazari attempts a sneak attack on Uva, which fails. Uva, now aware of the depths of Kazari's betrayal, escapes just Hina comes round again. Ankh and Eiji show up just in time, and goes SaGouZo to take out Kazari. Gamel shows back up, and Kazari tricks him into creating a Yummy to combat OOO. In this three-on-one, OOO can't hold his own and requests more medals. While switching out coins, Kazari forces his to drop the Sai and Gorilla Cores, but OOO manages to shift into LioToraZo to counter Kazari's finisher. The counter dislodges a Cheetah Core, which brings back one of my favorite forms: LaToraAtch. The release of his henshin blinds Gamel, however Kazari is able to escape with him and all the his newly procured Cores. OOO is able to defeat the Yummy using the Tora Can, Gotou's sly thievery and a triple scanning slash.

Back at the lab, Kazari gets Gamel to ingest all of Mezool's Cores to push his and Maki's plot forward.

And that is it folks. Birth is definitely showing up next round, and it looks like Gamel might be getting a new . . .um . . . form. This episode was a wild ride, and it marks the beginning of an exciting arc. 10/10. Keep it up!!!

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