So without further adieu, Ikuze!
[441] We open Ichigo paying a visit to Ikami, asking her to let him take off a couple more weeks from work, presumable to train. Ikumi, with Kauru listening in from the back room, begs for Ichigo to trust her with his secret, but instead, he thanks her and bolts.

Heading to Ginjo, he begs for two things: an explanation and training. Ginjo, happy to oblige him with both, starts with the explanation, telling Ichigo that Tsukishima, Xcution's former leader and a powerful Fullbringer, helped them formulate the plan to use a shinigami to cleanse Fullbringers of their powers, but suddenly killed the shinigami and went rogue. As proof of the events, Ginjo holds up a shinigami badge. He also explains that he is behind the attacks on his comrades and reveals that the second stage of his training is nearly prepped.
Leaving, Ichigo spies his father hanging out around a street light outside Xcution's lounge. Hiding behind a wall, Ichigo observes as Isshin meets with Urahara; Isshin suggests that they should move on, just in case, and they do. (speculative comment: Is it possible that Isshin helped Urahara look into the power of Fullbringers with using Ichigo as a subject? Could his special mix of human and shinigami blood triggered his ability to master both? This would also seem to suggest that Urahara purposefully imbued Ichigo with hollow/Visored abilities, wanting to see the limits of his greatest subject to date.)
Ichigo is left to ponder this trusted duo's true intentions with Ginjo's words echoing in his head, but soon decides to focus on regaining his powers first. Coming back the next day to the lounge, Ichigo sees Rurika waiting with a fish tank on a table. After allowing him to enter, we see Jackie Tristan waiting in ankle-high water with dirt underneath, and before you know it, the fight is on!
[442] Jackie activates her Fullbring "Dirty Boots" and seems to disappear right before Ichigo's eyes. Barely managing to dodge her first advance, Ichigo quickly goes on the defensive, carefully dodging and weaving away from Jackie. This fight is absolutely fantastic, and it only gets better in 443, but we will get to that later. Meanwhile, Inoue finally calls Chad to talk about the recent events and her encounter with Tsukishima.
She reveals that for a moment, she felt as if she knew Tsukishima from some far distant past, even going so far as to call him a friend. Chad fears the worst in Tsukishima's ability, which he believes may allow him to plant memories or project false pasts into a targets mind. Tsukishima, on the other hand, is thinking about heading directly for his target.

[443] Ichigo and Jackie are still going at it. "Dirty Boots," as the name suggests, refers to the power bonus her Fullbring provides as her boots become more and more sullied. The imperfections came come in the form or blood, dirt, mod, crap, whatever. Obvious a fish tank with plenty of available mud does not bode well for Ichigo, as Jackie announces that she plans to get more aggressive in her attacks, in order for Ichigo to evolve his Fullbring attacks. Seeing him attacking blindly, Jackie picks apart Ichigo's technique move by move, avoiding all three of his attacks before launching a counter; the attacks, however, are a feign by Ichigo, who offers up a powerful counter of his own. Jackie, seeming to have some to an understanding about Ichigo's ability, speculates that he took the brunt of all of her hits so that he could counter with even more power.
[444] Meanwhile Chad arrives to talk to Ginjo about Tsukishima's abilities and reveals to him the what Inoue confided in him. Ginjo waves off Chad's concern, saying that he know the extent of Tsukishima's abilities and Fullbring abilities never evolve. An interesting concept, that Fullbrings have a set max, like a tiered tower; however I would be far from surprised if it turned out that Tsukishima had found a way to bend that rule.
Back in the tank, during a momentary lapse in the battle, Ichigo's badge goes haywire, and dozens of black tendrils begin consume the right side of his body. Fearing the worst, Jackie calls off the training but Ichigo begs her to reconsider, saying that he has always had it this hard. They go back at it, and outside the tank, Ginjo tells Chad to see what Ishida remembers about his attack, fearing that the one who attacked them both might not be Tsukishima; all of a sudden the man of the hour cuts through the door of the lounge.
While everyone stands around dumbfounded, Tsukishima Cuts the tank in two, releasing Ichigo and Jackie. When the dust settles, Ichigo stands before Tsukishima half-cloaked in a Shinigami outfit produced by his Fullbring with half a zanpakuto.

[445] Chad describes his Fullbring as a "clad-type," remarking that his bankai had a similar effect, while Jackie lies bleeding on the floor. Impressed by Ichigo's progress, Tsukishima attacks using Book of the End but is blocked easily by Ichigo. Chad, wanting to protect Ichigo, blasts a hole though a wall, ejecting Tsukishima out of the lounge. Ichigo follows Chad outside and overhears him and Ginjo talking about Inoue's attacker, exciting him into a vengeful rage.
A natural Ace at Fullbringing, Ichigo knocks Tsukishima into the air, then chasing after him by Fullbringing the concrete roof and the air. Tsukishima blocks the attack; Ichigo still unstable Fullbring fractures on his left arm, allowing Tsukishima to easily kick Ichigo back to earth. Diving at a defenseless Ichigo, Tsukishima seems to have won this fight, but like lightning, Ginjo intervenes.
[446] He knocks out Ichigo, then turns to Tsukishima. They duel for a bit before Ginjo releases a massive amount of energy around his blade and strikes at Tsukishima, who predicts his attack nicking Ginjo on the forehead with his countering blow. As building crumble about them, Ichigo jumps back into the fray. Tsukishima blocks his attack, but then he notices Ichigo's Fullbring going berserk again, starting to engulf his head in darkness (are we close to seeing a Fullbring version of his sadistic side?). Knocking him back, Tsukishima seems impressed by Ichigo's current power, which apparently has been dubbed "Invaders-Must-Die."
Right then, several black panels fly out from behind Ichigo's head, and start connecting together in front of Tsukishima . . .
And now we're back on track, and I have to say I'm excited for upcoming future of Bleach. Most likely in the next 5 chapters, we will see some significant changes in both Ichigo's and (given the preview text seen at the end of 446) Inoue's powers, culminating the the first of many battles with Tsukishima and his disciples. My only question is, when will Soul Society get involved? Do they even know about what is going on, or are they purposefully choosing to ignore these

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