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Monday, December 6, 2010

It Double Time! (But We're Still Talkin' Bout OOO) [OOO Episode 11 &12]

Sorry about the delay on 11, but it's finally here! And it's a double feature! OOO 11 and 12 coming at you, right now!

OOO 11: Oh no, Mothmonster-man! But wait, before we got to him, it looks like Eiji has a friend in town. Keisuke Tsukuba is a long time friend of Eiji and a fellow world traveler, who blogs about his random adventures around the globe. Seems as if he going to try and get a book deal about his travels. Good luck with that dude!

Spoke too soon. Kaisuke gets bitchslaped by the publishers in favor of pretty boy Kotaro Sawada. What's so special about him anyway. Oh, what's that? All the girlies think that he's haut? And he's on TV and radio? And he's go a super popular blog? Oh . . . well when you say it all together like that, it sounds very impressive.

Tsukuba goes off to sulk when Uva spots him. Sensing his greed, the green-meanie spawns a Yummy from him. The Yummy attacks Sawada, in order to gain his knowledge, and transfers it to Kaisuke. Now filled with some medals, the Yummy transforms into a mothmonster-man (and we've come full circle).

Ankh, sensing a disturbance in the force, sends Eiji out to investigate. Clearly at a disadvantage against a flying opponent (especially since he always seems to ignore his 'hopper roots), OOO fails to stop the Ageha Yummy. Shintaro shows up just in time to watch it run off (he's been sent on another errand-boy mission to give OOO a newly developed Candriod), and scoff at Eiji for being soft ('cause Shintaro's done SOOO much so far).

Off in the distance, Ageha Yummy/mothmonster-man attacks a comedy duo to make Kaisuke more popular. Eiji and Ankh arrive just in time to be pummeled by Gamel, who ends up taking back two of Mezool's medal! Oh, no!

Forgetting about the Core Medals, Eiji runs off to save the comedy duo, transforms into Takakirietar and attempts to take out the Yummy. Right as he's about to strike, Shintaro decides to stick his dick into the fight in the form of a rocket aimed a both the Yummy and OOO.

Meanwhile, Keisuke becomes more assertive with his newly obtained power. He tries to hijack the comedy duo's gig, and invites Hina to come watch. When she arrives, she sees and recognizes Uva in his human form. Once noticed, Uva is left with no choice but to silence the witness, which brings us to . . .

OOO 12: Long story short, Shintaro is a dick. Because of him, the Yummy escapes, but who does he blame? Eiji, of course! Stupid OOO, being made out of solid matter! Stop sulking, you'll be the foil rider soon, so STFU.

Hina manages to escape from Uva's grasp, and runs to warn Eiji of his plot. Uva heads back to the Greeed homebase, where Gamel presents Mezool with her Core Medals. Telling her to stay and rest, the two head off to collect more medals and defeat OOO (orlynow?).

At the Cous Coussier, Ankh hatches up a plan got gain Gamel's Core Medals. And by "hatch up a plan" I mean "sit in bed, whine about it, and let Eiji figure it out somehow." Gotta love management. Keisuke stops by as asks Eiji for some of his stories, so he can plagiarize them. The greed is strong in this one (wow two SW references in one blog!). Ankh busts up the party, saying that the Yummy is out and about again. Eiji races off to encounter it, and Hina forces Keisuke to follow so that he can see what he's done. Meanwhile Shintaro is put on house arrest (like that will stop him) for his actions, and on his way out, Maki teases him with the prospect of becoming Bir. . . I mean, a Rider.

Eiji arrives just in time (so does Shintaro) to save some more celebrities, because celebrities are our future. he says some inspiring shit that gets everyone to believe in him, then begins his assault. The new Candroid is revealed finally (it's an unagi [eel] that can bind enemies) things are going great, until Uva and Gamel show up (Shintaro actually isn't a prick and hits the right target for once). Right was Gamel is about to strike the finishing blow, OOO counters and steals three Core Medals. What luck, he has a set from Gamel! He transforms into SaGohZo Combo and proceeds to kick some ass.

In the battle, Uva also loses a Core Medal, which forces Uva and Gamel to retreat. Eiji and Shintaro finally become "friends," Keisuke goes back to normal and all is peaceful. Someone was spying on the whole battle, however: it was Maki and Kazari! What are they doing together? Is this the beginning of an evil partnership . . . of evil? Only time will tell.

Good episodes, both of them. I'd give 11 a 9/10 and 12 a perfect 10/10 (a first for the blog!). I'm super excited to catch 13. It looks like we might see the new Rider Belt, plus we'll get to see SaGohZo in action again. Chou Den-o Blue is up btw, and I should have a review of that coming out soon. It's soooooo much better than Red, and I kinda like Chou Den-O now; only a little bit though.

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