All good things must come to an end, but this one refuses to go silently into the night. Teirea Erde, the final member of Celestial Being and the last announced DLC character for Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3, comes with his second season mech Seravee (yes, you can access Seraphim as well though combo attacks and the combination Mushu Attack).
Being a heavy armament type, this mech can take some punishment while countering with high-power attacks with a long, wide range. The unit is equipped with all six beam sabers for highly effective melee attacks, and the dual bazookas plus the shoulder-mounted beam cannons provide for excellent dash and ranged damage. it is very similar to the GP-02 in that respect, but with more offensive power and options.
This is the last DLC character pack that we know of, and I highly doubt that more will be announced. This one is definitely worth the money though, and it will round out the 00 trope, giving you even more a reason to pick it up.
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